Welcome to my website where I feature a range of work that I am engaged in at the moment.
If you are new to my work, or wondering a bit more about my ideas and interests, you might find some of the links below of interest.
- An interview focused on my thoughts on educational transactional analysis
- An interview covering a range of themes on education, TA and my personal experience of school
My intention is to provide a useful bank of resources that I frequently use in my training programmes as well as a small library of articles and papers on a range of educational themes. Those who already know me will be aware that I do not use social media, I don’t have a mobile phone nor do I use Powerpoint. What this means is that I spend much of my time thinking and writing, and whilst I do not set out to offer a ‘blog’ or ‘vlog’, or any other bite-sized updates, I will update this site with upcoming drafts of current writing projects. All of my resources are available, free of charge, and I ask that you would respect the spirit of gifting by acknowledging whenever you use my material.
Many colleagues and friends have visited Mill House over the years and are familiar with the low key, informal environment we have been cultivating. The main space is the all-season yurt and for smaller groups the Mill House itself is a perfect setting. The Granary provides a domestic base and for those who are happy to crash out or camp there’s usually enough spaces around for sleepovers.
If you are interested in using the space for team work, strategy meetings or your own education programmes, get in touch.