Job of the child
- To explore and experience the environment
- To develop sensory awareness by using all senses
- To signal needs: to trust others and self
- To continue to form secure attachments with parents and/or caregivers
- To get help in times of distress
- To start to learn that there are options and that not all problems are easily solved
- To develop initiative
- To continue Belonging stage tasks
- You can explore and experiment and we will support and protect you
- You can do things as many times as you need to
- You can use all of your senses when you explore
- You can know what you know
- You can be interested in everything
- We like you when you are active and when you are quiet
- We like to watch you grow and learn
Helpful Teacher/Carer Behaviours
- To explore and experience the environment
- To develop sensory awareness by using all senses
- To signal needs: to trust others and self
- To continue to form secure attachments with parents and/or caregivers
- To get help in times of distress
- To start to learn that there are options and that not all problems are easily solved
- To develop initiative
- To continue Being stage tasks
Hunger - Stimulus
Killer message - Don't be active; Don't do