
The purpose of this section is to give you an opportunity to interact a little with an idea about how we grow up. As you scroll down the page you will see different sections of a jigsaw, with statements on each piece of the puzzle. By clicking on a single piece of the puzzle it will be highlighted and at the end of the exercise your total selection will be profiled in the whole puzzle at the bottom of the page.

So, the task is to think of a student you are familiar with in your work. If you do not work directly with children you can consider a young person you know personally, or a colleague and, if you would rather, you can think of yourself. Think about how you experience the other person, what puzzles you, what might irritate you at times, or that provokes your curiousity.

Scroll down the page and take a look at the statements on the puzzle pieces. If there's any connection you see between the statement and the person you have in mind, just click on them. There will be some that don't seem to make much sense, others which you find off-putting - never mind, just click on those that catch your attention and make sense when you think of the individual.

When you have looked through the sections, you will see how they all fit together on the main jigsaw at the end of the page. What you have here is a simple profile of the young person and it will be handy to have in mind when we meet for the on-line session focused on the Cycle of Development model.


image/svg+xml Youbelong here I'm gladyou're here What youneed isimportant to us You can growat yourown pace We want youto be hereand want tocare for you You can feelall of yourfeelings


image/svg+xml You canexploreand experimentand we willsupport andprotect you You can dothings as manytimes as youneed to You can use allof your senseswhen youexplore You can knowwhat you know You can beinterested ineverything We like you whenyou are activeand whenyou are quiet


image/svg+xml It's okay foryou to be angry,and we won't letyou hurt yourselfor others You can thinkand feel atthe same time You can knowwhat youneed andask for help You can learnto think foryourself andothers can too I'm glad you arestarting to thinkfor yourself You can say noand push the limitsas much as youneed to


image/svg+xml You can learn what ispretend and what is real You can bepowerfuland ask forhelp at thesame time You can learnthe resultsof yourbehaviour All of yourfeelings areokay here You can tryout differentways of beingpowerful You can explorewho you are andfind out about others


image/svg+xml You can trust your intuition to help decide what you want to do You can think before you say yes or no You can learn the rules that help you live with others You can learn when and how to disagree You can think for yourselfand get helpinstead of staying indistress You can learn fromyour mistakes You can learnfrom yourmistakes You canthink beforeyou say yes or no You can trustyour intuitionto help decidewhat youwant to do You can learnthe rules thathelp you livewith others You canlearn when and howto disagree You can think foryourself and gethelp instead ofstaying in distress


image/svg+xml You can know whoyou are and practiceskills for independence You can developyour own interests,relationships and causes You canlearn touse oldskills innewways We lookforwardto knowingyou as anadult We trust you to askfor supportwhen youneed it You can grow inyour femaleness ormaleness and stillneed help at times

