
TA Community

Further Reading

The standard introductory text is Joinnes & Stewart's TA Today. This provides a comprehensive overview of all core TA concepts. Written from the perspective of general interest it's an accessible and basic reference for trainers and practitioners alike.

A more comprehensive and contemporary publication in Into TA, co-edited by Cornell, Newton et al. It is expensive but also a very substantial text which includes chapters on how TA is applied across different fields as well as plenty of material on how early TA theory has developed since the early years.

Berne's most popular works were Games People Play and What Do you Say After You Say Hello. Both of these texts are readily available and give a sense of Berne's writing and originality. They do not represent his academic and clinical writings some of which are still in print, and some of which are only available secondhand.

Other earlier TA writing which made an impact and are still generally available are Tom Harris' I'm Ok - You're Ok. Claude Steiner's Scripts People Live and Muriel James' Born to Win. More contemporary writing has included titles rooted in the education context:

A series of videos depecting Berne speaking about some of the different models in TA are available here.

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