

Welcome to my on-line introduction course to transactional analysis (TA). I hope you find this a rich experience and one that really supports your professional development. If you have not come across me and my work before have a view of the various videos on the site to get a sense of who I am and my approach to teaching.

I also hope that you find an informality in how I have set up the programme with an emphasis on discussion and interaction. I have aimed to put a lot of the theory in the course on-line so that when we meet in the live-streamed sessions we can focus on questions and examples and avoid lengthy taught input. We will also be having time to reflect individually and I strongly suggest that you use these times to get up, wander around and ideally go outside.

I am getting ahead of myself though, and should let you know that in our first session I will be wanting to get a sense of your expectations. As preparation I would appreciate it if you could give the following questions some thought, making some notes if need be. Your responses will feed an important part of setting up the programme.

Please take some time browsing the site, and I am always interested to know what you liked or might be improved. Please also take the time to read through this set of protocols for working over Zoom.