Colleagues! Welcome! This site is a comprehensive resource intended to support you in participating in the Educational Transactional Analysis (EdTA) programme. I hope you find the material easy to access, informative and enhances your experience of the on-line and in-person sessions.
It is important that before the first session you have take some time to review this introductory information. In the following clip I share the overall framework on which the programme is based and I will present the main themes, whichever configuration of days, on-line or in person sessions you are following.
In addition to the range of web-based material, I have also set up a shared drive with a series of my own papers published in the Transactional Analysis Journal. You may be asked to get permission from me, via a Google email alert so the access might not be immediate. The other key texts mentioned in the above clip are:
- Educational Transactional Analysis, Giles Barrow & Trudi Newton
- Into TA, William F. Cornell, Anne de Graaf, Trudi Newton & Moniek Thunnissen
- tactics, Rosemary Napper & Trudi Newton
Although there is a wide range of material within this site, I have not replicated TA-specific content which can be found on my Introduction to TA site. You are likely to want to remind yourself of core TA models and I encourage you to re-visit them via the TA101 site (password: rosebud).
This site has been created in partnership with The Watergrove Trust